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Whispers of Genius Echoes of Madness

You’re Not Drowning
You are not broken. You are not ugly. You are not unworthy. You are not too short. You are not too tall. You are not the number on a...

A Life Well Lived
Many people experience the travesty of regret in their end days; the realization that nothing held them back, that nothing was in their...

When Things Get Cold
When serving in the United States Air Force I got to see some beautiful places and experience a myriad of different people and climates....

The People On Your Board
Sometimes we don’t realize that we allow certain people access and influence in areas of our lives that they aren’t actually qualified...

Little Steps
Ambitious goals can sometimes be overwhelming. Here is a tip to get past the sometimes staggering visualization of monumental change: Set...

Your Truth and Your Circumstance
Who are you? All too often, we put our attention on things that blind us from the truth of our true self. We lose sight of our position...

Your History - Your Destiny
So many of us get caught up in the past: past issues, past relationships, past mistakes, etc... We tend to give away our thoughts and...

The Ego: A Celebration of You
So many writers and philosophers discuss the ego and often debate whether you should embrace it or “free” yourself from it. But how do we...
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