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Whispers of Genius Echoes of Madness

When Forever Becomes a Place
Forever is used as a reference of time; but there are not enough days in forever to allow me to fully express the depth of my love for...

Your Whole Life Is Ahead of You
I can’t even count the amount of times an older person has told me, "You've got your whole life ahead of you." Upon hearing these words...

The Journey’s Baggage
I am a people watcher and I travel a lot. At times, this makes for entertainment, aggravation, and even observational learning. On one...

Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Plate
“Keep your eyes on your own plate and enjoy your meal!” This was my mom’s repetitive mantra at the dinner table in the late 70’s as she...

You’re Not Rejected - You’re Redirected
We often have a diluted sense of self; we do not see the magnitude of the greatness inside of us. As a result, most people live within...

The Observer Test
What would someone watching think? Think about what your actions tell the people around you. Based on your behavior, would the people...

On the Other Side of Challenges
There are times when life seems to unmercifully pile-on the challenges. It is very frustrating! I have been there too many times to...

Empty Your Cup
One of my favorite stories concerns famed martial artist, Bruce Lee, and his desire to be trained by a local Master. At the time, Bruce...

A Life Well Lived
Many people experience the travesty of regret in their end days; the realization that nothing held them back, that nothing was in their...

Reflections on God
The experience of God is a subjective one; a personal awareness… God is to be felt in your core; not to be measured with an instrument…...

Little Steps
Ambitious goals can sometimes be overwhelming. Here is a tip to get past the sometimes staggering visualization of monumental change: Set...

Know Where You Are Going
I’m often asked what the “secret” to my success is. My answer is that I don’t have a secret; I have a method. I set a goal that I treat...

Perfectly Imperfect
We have all heard that no two snowflakes are alike. Each snowflake takes the perfect form for the maximum efficiency and effectiveness...

The Journey Awaits
The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday. Have you ever been on a cruise or looked at one of...
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