The Journey’s BaggageI am a people watcher and I travel a lot. At times, this makes for entertainment, aggravation, and even observational learning. On one...
My Own Greatest Hero, My Own Worst EnemyYour life is a story you’re telling yourself. I like to live each day of my life as if it's a page, a chapter in my life’s story. I get...
Life's IngredientsHow would your life be different if you learned to let go of things that have already let go of you? Your life is a blend of the...
Time to RenewWelcome to today! A time to renew, restart, and release. If you’re ready to make a lasting change, you must realize that in order for it...
“Sorry” as a VerbI have done some deplorable things. I have behaved in ways that make me disgusted and embarrassed at the same time. I used to think...