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Whispers of Genius Echoes of Madness

G is for Gratitude
I know sometimes it is difficult to be grateful. I know that sometimes it is difficult to be happy. If you’re reading a book that’s...

Do Not Lose Today
This day has been handed to us to shape as we choose. However, this blessing is often overlooked because we tend to focus on the two days...

Create a Masterpiece
Today, you awaken to a day in which you have the power to make and inspire change. In fact, it is the ONLY day in which you have any...

Choosing Happiness
What if you placed fewer conditions on your own happiness? What if you didn’t place destination markers on your own happiness? “I’ll be...

A Life of Freedom
I want nothing more than for all to be free. I want everyone to live a life of unconditional freedom. Think about it, what else could...

5 Factors: Take Control of Your Life!
1) Understand that no experience comes labeled, you are the labeler. The power to choose is yours! As William Shakespeare said, “Nothing...

Beyond Intention
Intent is a reflection of the spirit’s desire to create in the material world. The only way to clearly translate that desire into...

Pretend God is Deaf
Being raised Catholic and having read the scriptures many times, I had always privately wondered about and even questioned the nature of...

Steal Fire From the Gods
Foreword for a new book, “Whispers of Genius Echoes of Madness” Patterns repeat. I was 22, a recently honorably discharged Military...

Difference Between Bravery and Courage
I learned many priceless lessons during my time serving in the military. And while many of those lessons were delivered through serious...

“Sorry” as a Verb
I have done some deplorable things. I have behaved in ways that make me disgusted and embarrassed at the same time. I used to think...
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