Built For It
What a difference a month makes! So grateful to be surrounded by AMAZING family and friends! A month ago, the GREAT Doctors and Nurses at...

Road to Recovery
Life: Just when you get all the answers, they change all the questions. Blindsided by a medical emergency… I’m so GRATEFUL to the...

5 potential Mental Health benefits of practicing Jiu-Jitsu
Jiu-Jitsu continues to gain popularity as a Martial Art and Combat Sport that focuses on grappling, ground fighting, and self-defense....

Conscious Contact
I don’t know what happens next. Where will I be in the year 2100? I don’t know. I’ll be wherever I was in the year 1800. I don’t know…...

Boost Your Mood in 5 Ways
If you're anything like me, mood slumps come and go. Over the years, I've learned a few quick hacks that can help me when I hit a mood...