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Whispers of Genius Echoes of Madness

10 Things You MUST Know About Relationships
Life has a way of answering questions you didn't even ask. As I reflect upon my adult life so far, I find this to be especially true when...

The Journey’s Baggage
I am a people watcher and I travel a lot. At times, this makes for entertainment, aggravation, and even observational learning. On one...

If You Want to Learn How to Live, Hang Out With People Who Are Dying
I have spent many years as a volunteer at veterans’ hospitals; often spending the final days with our brothers and sisters who have...

Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Plate
“Keep your eyes on your own plate and enjoy your meal!” This was my mom’s repetitive mantra at the dinner table in the late 70’s as she...

Happiness in Simplicity
I’m not sure why some people choose to engulf themselves in a drama-filled life, but they do. And for some reason, they feel they should...

Each Day is a Lifetime
The idea of each new day being a birth to new opportunities and a clean slate is not a new one. We often hear about the importance of...

Car Manufacturer
Years ago, I was invited to a car manufacturing and testing facility. This was a facility at which engineers designed and tested several...

You’re Not Rejected - You’re Redirected
We often have a diluted sense of self; we do not see the magnitude of the greatness inside of us. As a result, most people live within...

Empty Your Cup
One of my favorite stories concerns famed martial artist, Bruce Lee, and his desire to be trained by a local Master. At the time, Bruce...

Why Not You?
Today, many will awaken with a fresh sense of inspiration. Why not you? Today, many will open their eyes to the beauty that surrounds...

Today is a New Day!
Today is a beautiful day because it’s a gift. Many people around the world did not receive this gift. You did receive the gift of TODAY –...

This Moment
Today is a new day! Each of us aspires to become more. Each of us wants to improve ourselves in some way. Our chance has come! It is time...

Security Checkpoint
I’m so blessed to have a career in which I get to travel all over the world speaking with amazing people and seeing beautiful places....

It's Your Season
Every few months one season begins to make its elegant exit as another greets us with its refreshing changes. Change is in the air… What...

Time to Renew
Welcome to today! A time to renew, restart, and release. If you’re ready to make a lasting change, you must realize that in order for it...

The Journey Awaits
The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday. Have you ever been on a cruise or looked at one of...

Do Not Lose Today
This day has been handed to us to shape as we choose. However, this blessing is often overlooked because we tend to focus on the two days...

Steal Fire From the Gods
Foreword for a new book, “Whispers of Genius Echoes of Madness” Patterns repeat. I was 22, a recently honorably discharged Military...

“Sorry” as a Verb
I have done some deplorable things. I have behaved in ways that make me disgusted and embarrassed at the same time. I used to think...
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