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Whispers of Genius Echoes of Madness

The Right Wrong Thing
It’s so interesting… the things we do, the way we justify them, and how perspective clears the jagged edges of our past to shape a smooth...

Your Whole Life Is Ahead of You
I can’t even count the amount of times an older person has told me, "You've got your whole life ahead of you." Upon hearing these words...

The Journey’s Baggage
I am a people watcher and I travel a lot. At times, this makes for entertainment, aggravation, and even observational learning. On one...

Car Manufacturer
Years ago, I was invited to a car manufacturing and testing facility. This was a facility at which engineers designed and tested several...

You’re Not Rejected - You’re Redirected
We often have a diluted sense of self; we do not see the magnitude of the greatness inside of us. As a result, most people live within...

The Truth about Potentiality
We are beings of infinite potentiality. That sounds wonderful, but what does it mean to have infinitely potential? If we are all so...

The Observer Test
What would someone watching think? Think about what your actions tell the people around you. Based on your behavior, would the people...

On the Other Side of Challenges
There are times when life seems to unmercifully pile-on the challenges. It is very frustrating! I have been there too many times to...

Let Mistakes Be What They Are; A Gauge
To step into an empowered state of mind is to gain control over the ability to label events in a manner that strengthens our journey...

When Things Get Cold
When serving in the United States Air Force I got to see some beautiful places and experience a myriad of different people and climates....

The People On Your Board
Sometimes we don’t realize that we allow certain people access and influence in areas of our lives that they aren’t actually qualified...

Paralysis by Analysis
It’s easy to get caught up in deep analysis of our plans to change our lives. It’s also easy to not realize how we are often paralyzed by...

Little Steps
Ambitious goals can sometimes be overwhelming. Here is a tip to get past the sometimes staggering visualization of monumental change: Set...

Know Where You Are Going
I’m often asked what the “secret” to my success is. My answer is that I don’t have a secret; I have a method. I set a goal that I treat...

If Not Now, When?
There are so many beautiful things happening right now. Within all the beauty that radiates in this very moment, amongst all the...

Get The Peanut Butter
Millions upon millions of books have been sold in the marketing frenzy that fooled people into believing there was a secret way of...

Why Not You?
Today, many will awaken with a fresh sense of inspiration. Why not you? Today, many will open their eyes to the beauty that surrounds...

Today is a New Day!
Today is a beautiful day because it’s a gift. Many people around the world did not receive this gift. You did receive the gift of TODAY –...

Security Checkpoint
I’m so blessed to have a career in which I get to travel all over the world speaking with amazing people and seeing beautiful places....

Say "POP!"
We all get to a point in our lives when we need to wake up and snap out of our slump. I use the term, “POP” because it reminds me of a...
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